Impact Lives Ministry

Putting smiles on children's faces in the worst and darkest places.

Our Base in Ghana

Regularly we gather about 50 and more children and teenagers in Ghana to have an encounter with God in fellowship therefore we follow Impact Live´s three pillars as Relationship, Growth and Mission. Hence, we teach them more about Jesus and spend a lot of time in prayer & worship, help them with their academics and focus on connecting with one another by, for example, playing many games or doing handicrafts and having snacks together.

On Thursdays we meet our children regularly at 'Family House Chapel' at Haatso.
On Sundays, a bus picks up the children from their homes to bring them to 'Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry' Church (CEM) and after their Sunday School the bus drops them at home again.

Team leader of ILM Ghana is Mary Kotey
 +233 20935 2844

Location in Ghana
'Amazing Faith Academy JHS' at Haatso Road, Accra.

Find out what's happening on our base in Ghana!